Saturday, February 12, 2011

Feb 13, Sunday

Despite a forecast for an overcast day we woke to bright sunshine.  Today's washing went on the line outside.  It was a perfect Sunday morning for gardening and we spent a couple of hours in our front garden.

We drove out to Bell's Swamp this afternoon (on the Bridgewater-Maldon Road).  The road has now been closed for 3 or 4 weeks due to the flooding.   It hasn't been a swamp for the last 10 years but now the water has been sitting there for weeks.  Makes for a long drive around for people living on the other side.

This is an intersection and you might be able to just make out the street signs both on the left and the right.  Who knows what state the road surface will be in once the water is either pumped out, drains away or evaporates.

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